I have collected dozens of them. I never had a problem with women. Never bought into the “battle of the sexes,” I just like jokes. Especially the funny ones. Like this one – sent to me by a true believer in the battle – a woman, by the way – who relishes every example, every bit of evidence of the “male dominated society.” The jokes, she says, are more about how we perceive societal interaction than how we actually behave. “In real life,” she says, “people tend to be more cruel. The jokes allow us to laugh about it.”
LOL…Â yah. Okay, whatever. This list is titled “Women are like…”
They always think that they must have the last word.
Saran Wrap…
Useful but clingy.
Credit cards…
You never know how much you spend on them, and when you find out all you can do is cry.
Hi-tech gadgets…
It takes forever to figure out how they work and a better gadget always comes along once you’ve gotten used to your old one.
Even the smallest foible is stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.
Cell phones…
Handy, but beware of the roaming charges.
The stock market…
Alluring but impossible to predict, and they will bankrupt you if you’re not careful.
Fax machines…
Useful for one very specific purpose, otherwise they’re just high-maintenance paperweights.
Political campaign contributors…
If you let them talk about themselves long enough you wind up in bed with them.
They’re always cold and never seem to have a beer when you need one.
Country western songs…
They’re annoying, they all sound alike, and if you really listen to them you’ll get depressed and drink a lot.
At first they come at you all wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house, your car, your cat, your boat…
So much for that.